Friday, January 23, 2009


friggin blogger wont le t me friggin let me view my blogs.

Anyway im hungry :D Damn we needa birng vocabulary cards on monday shoot.
Final next week NOOOOOOOOOOOO! darn this place so call my second home lmao!
YARN. When dion pop up in my head O_O LOL. weirdo jajjajaaja Ba bAlance <3
damn p.e next super excited? no no no is super boring . Friggin Edgard keep messign roudn with me Saying he had a dream about me getting hit by a car and lost all my hair . Every single say he ask me if my head is okay FUDGGGE YOU bAXTOR ;D
darn im hungrry im going to after scohol tutoring today? Maybe . NO! SHIT HO! COW! FLYING! NO! Reeading journal DUE MONDAY I havent even started well i have but HO!. I love love Utau song. Her heartful song Her heartful soooooooong <3>

1 comment:

    Shugo Chara :DDDDD

    LOL, I didn't even finished my vocabulary cards, LOOLOLOLOL. Jeez,I only finished the defenition, and some senteces, D:::::.)=

    I stayed up until 12 8__8
