YAY its almost last day of school. Im glad because school had been such a drag. Damn i fergot to eat breakfast todayD: Im hungry and yeah i just happen to left m ylunch ticket at home HAHA BTW i don't even eat breakfast/lunch no more.
Anyway I have a contest site on myspace. It's an Ulzzang site... For thos eof you that doesnt know wut ulzzang mean ~Ulzzang is a slang in korean for like best face. SO yeah tons of people apply for the contest and yeah its cool. Anyway yesterday i was so tierd and sleepy i slept with my light on D: [waste of energy] Anyway im so happy that it's almost christmas again! varsity fanclub is da bomb :D I love em! ...On the 20th my papa boss is throwing a christmas party... again even though im always the only teen it's always really always very fun. it's always fun because every year we go to different location and have different event. like for example on 2006 we went to D&B and we have this room in the arcade We stay in the room for like an hour then the boss gave us D&B cards as christmas present and yeah it's so cool it was like a credit card that contain 200 dollers and we got to play anything that we wanted! At the end when i ran out of money on the card i went in the trade room and i traded my 1000 ticket for a princess pillow.
And yeah on 2007 we went to 888 seafood restaurant and ate a tons and we got to play a lot of thingie it was so funny becuz i still remember one game was for adult it was to choose an envelope and out of 10 envelope only 1 contain 100$ and the rest is like $1 . And yeah i choose for my dad and yeah DING DING DING i got the one hundred bucks one. And way it was so sad they made babie kiss each other LOL! andway then they pass out the christmas present LOL~.. And yeah I wonder wut this year party is gunna be like :D i beetter get good stuff. Unlike 2006 -> I got a bottle full of red seed [susposebly it was good luck]2007 i got a stuff animal [i love it!] And i got an old navy sweater and Scarf [i hated it] it was like a size Small I mean who the heck wear a sweater thas tight?!? thats retarded! anyway.. I hope this year would be awesome!!!!
TIFFANY HUA: Twilight Book
BEE Bee AUNTIE: anything i want
[she's gunna take me to Mt.Boldy again! my 3rd time] yeah!!!
AH CHIN AUNTIE: i dunno a new VANS?
LISA TO: Hello Kitty Stuffed animal
TIFFANY HUA: a sweater /beanie {shes really weird}
etc.. im not sureeee D;